13 Names, Dates, People, and Places
This chapter describes a module which may be used for the encodingof names and other phrases descriptive of persons, places, ororganizations, in a manner more detailed than that possible using theelements already provided for these purposes in the Core module. Insection 3.5 Names, Numbers, Dates, Abbreviations, and 住所 it was noted that the elements providedin the core module allow an encoder to specify that a given textsegment is a proper noun, or a referring string, and tospecify the kind of object named or referred to only by supplying avalue for the type attribute. The elements provided by thepresent module allow the encoder to supply a detailedsub-structure for such referring strings, and to distinguishexplicitly between names of persons, places, and organizations.
This module also provides elements for the representation ofinformation about the person, place, or organization to which a givenname is understood to refer and to represent the name itself,independently of its application. In simple terms, where the coremodule allows one simply to represent that a given piece of text is aname, this module allows one further to represent apersonal name, to represent the person beingnamed, and to represent the canonical name being used. Asimilar range is provided for names of places and organizations. Theintended application for this module is in biographical, historical,or geographical data systems such as gazetteers and biographicaldatabases, where these are to be integrated with encoded texts.
The chapter begins by discussing attributes common to many of theelements discussed in the remaining parts of the chapter (13.1 属性クラス Defined by thisModule) before discussing specifically the elementsprovided for the encoding of component parts of personal names(section 13.2.1 人名), place names (section 13.2.3 地名) and organizational names (section 13.2.2 組織名). Elements for encoding personal and organizationaldata are discussed in section 13.3 人物に関するデータ. Elements forthe encoding of geographical data are discussed in section 13.3.4 Places. Finally, elements for encoding onomastic data arediscussed in 13.3.5 規範名, and the detailed encoding ofdates and times is described in section 13.3.6 日付や時間.
- » 13.2 Names
- Home | 目次
13.1 属性クラス Defined by thisModuleTEI: 属性クラス Defined by thisModule¶
Most of the elements made available by this chapter share someimportant characteristics which are expressed by their membership inspecific attribute classes. Members of the class att.naming have specialized attributes whichsupport linkage of a naming element with the entity (person, place,organization) being named; members of the class att.datable have specialized attributes whichsupport a number of ways of normalizing the date or time of the dataencoded by the element concerned.
- » 13.1.2 日付向けの属性
- Home | 目次
13.1.1 名前と指示対象の関連付けTEI: 名前と指示対象の関連付け¶
- att.naming provides attributes common to elements which refer to named persons, places, organizations etc.
key provides an external means of locating a full definition for the entity being named, such as a database record key or other token. nymRef (reference to the canonical name) provides a means of locating the canonical form (nym) of the names associated with the object named by the element bearing it. ref (reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition for the entity being named by means of a URI.
<name ref="#DPB1" type="person">David Paul Brown</name> has suffered ...
type="person">David Paul Brown</name> has suffered
<name key="FR" type="place">France</name>
The nymRef attribute has a more specialised use, whereit is the name itself which is of interest rather than the personplace or organization being named. See section 13.3.5 規範名for further discussion.
- att.editLike provides attributes describing the nature of a encoded scholarly intervention or interpretation of any kind.
resp (responsible party) indicates the agency responsible for the intervention or interpretation, for example an editor or transcriber. cert (certainty) signifies the degree of certainty associated with the intervention or interpretation.
13.1.2 日付向けの属性TEI: 日付向けの属性¶
- att.datable.w3c provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain datable events using the W3C datatypes.
when supplies the value of a date or time in a standard form. notBefore specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd. notAfter specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd. from indicates the starting point of the period in standard form. to indicates the ending point of the period in standard form.
in March or April of 1857.</birth>
some time in April of 1857.</residence>
More specialized standard date formats may also be used, aboutwhich see より表現力のある正規化.
13.2 NamesTEI: Names¶
13.2.1 人名TEI: 人名¶
- persName (personal name) contains a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person, possibly including any or all of the person's forenames, surnames, honorifics, added names, etc.
- surname contains a family (inherited) name, as opposed to a given,baptismal, or nick name.
- forename contains a forename, given or baptismal name.
- roleName contains a name component which indicates that the referent has aparticular role or position in society, such as an official title orrank.
- addName (additional name) contains an additional name component, such as a nickname, epithet, or alias, or any other descriptive phrase used within apersonal name.
- nameLink contains a connecting phrase or link used within a name but notregarded as part of it, such as van der or of.
- genName (generational name component) contains a name component used to distinguish otherwise similarnames on the basis of the relative ages or generations of the persons named.
- att.personal (attributes for components of personal names) common attributes for those elements which form part of a personalname.
full indicates whether the name component is given in full, as anabbreviation or simply as an initial. sort specifies the sort order of the name component in relationto others within the personal name.
<rs key="DPB1" type="person">David Paul Brown</rs> has suffered the
furniture of his office to be seized
the third time for rent.
<rs key="DPB1" type="person">
<name>David Paul Brown</name>
</rs> has suffered ...
<name key="DPB1" type="person">David Paul Brown</name> has suffered ...
<persName key="DPB1">David Paul Brown</persName> has suffered ...
The persName element is more powerful than thers and name elements because distinctive namecomponents occurring within it can be marked as such.
<forename type="first">Franklin</forename>
<forename type="middle">Delano</forename>
<forename type="given">Margaret</forename>
<forename type="unused">Hilda</forename>
<surname type="maiden">Roberts</surname>
<surname type="married">Thatcher</surname>
<persName type="religious">Muhammad Ali</persName>
<surname type="complex">St John Stevas</surname>
<surname type="toponymic" ref="#dystvold">Dystvold</surname>
<!-- ... -->
<placeName xml:id="dystvold">Dystvold</placeName>
<surname type="complex">
<surname type="paternal">Hattersley</surname>-
<surname type="maternal">Smith</surname>
<forename full="abb">Maggie</forename>
<surname>son of Herbert</surname>
</persName> gives the king 40 m. for
having custody of the land and heir of <persName>
<surname>son of Hugh</surname>
to combine the two traditions in cyclic form.
acknowledged the artificiality of the procedure...
<addName type="patronym">Skallagrmsson</addName>
<forename sort="2">Sergei</forename>
<forename sort="3" type="patronym">Mikhailovic</forename>
<surname sort="1">Uspensky</surname>
This example also demonstrates the use of the sortattribute common to all members of the model.persNamePart class; its effect is to statethe sequence in which forename and surname elementsshould be combined when constructing a sort key for the name.
<surname type="dynasty">Hapsburg</surname>
<roleName type="honorific" full="abb">Mme</roleName>
<nameLink>de la</nameLink>
<surname>de la Mare</surname>
- nobility
- An inherited or life-time title of nobility such as Lord, Viscount, Baron, etc.
- honorific
- An academic or other honorific prefixed to a name e.g. Doctor, Professor, Mrs., etc.
- office
- Membership of some elected or appointed organization such as President, Governor, etc.
- military
- Military rank such as Colonel.
- epithet
- A traditional descriptive phraseor nick-name such as The Hammer, The Great, etc.
<roleName type="nobility">Princess</roleName>
<addName type="honorific">Grandma</addName>
<roleName type="office">President</roleName>
<roleName type="military">Colonel</roleName>
<addName type="epithet">the Great</addName>
<roleName type="office">Governor</roleName>
<forename sort="2">Edmund</forename>
<forename full="init" sort="3">G.</forename>
<addName type="nick">Jerry</addName>
<addName type="epithet">Moonbeam</addName>
<surname sort="1">Brown</surname>
<genName full="abb">Jr</genName>.
Although highly flexible, these mechanisms for markingpersonal name components will not cater for every personal nameand processing need. Where the internal structure of personalnames is highly complex or where name components areparticularly ambiguous, feature structures are recommended asthe most appropriate mechanism to mark and analyze them, as further discussed in chapter 18 素性構造.
13.2.2 組織名TEI: 組織名¶
In these Guidelines, we use the term ‘organization’ for anynamed collection of people regarded as a single unit. Typical examplesinclude businesses or institutions such as ‘HarvardCollege’ or ‘the BBC’, but also racial orethnic groupings or political factions where these are regarded asforming a single agency such as ‘the Scythians’ or‘the Militant Tendency’. Giving a loosely-definedgroup of individuals a name often serves aparticular political or social agenda and an analysis of the way suchphrases are constructed and used may therefore be of considerableimportance to the social historian, even where the objective existenceof an ‘organization’ in this sense is harder to demonstrate thanthat of (say) a named person. In the case of business or otherformally constituted institutions, the component parts of anorganizational name may help to characterize the organization in termsof its perceived geographical location, ownership, likely number ofemployees, management structure etc.
- orgName (organization name) contains an organizational name.
interest was agitated in the
<orgName type="voluntary" key="PAS1">Pennsyla. Abolition Society</orgName>
interest was agitated in the <rs key="PAS1" type="org">
<name>Pennsyla. Abolition Society</name>
interest was agitated in the
<name key="PAS1" type="org">Pennsyla. Abolition
<orgName type="acronym">BSkyB</orgName>
rather than the
<orgName type="acronym">BBC</orgName>
strong aversion to the <orgName type="phrase">United
States Government</orgName>, and of
predilection for self-government under
<orgName type="phrase">English Crown</orgName>
<surname>Ernst</surname>&amp; <surname>Young</surname>
<orgName type="regional">
</orgName> said ...
the <orgName>Democratic Whig <name type="role">party</name>
</orgName> after the most careful deliberation,
with a reference to all the great objects of NATIONAL, STATE,
COUNTY and CITY concern, and with a single eye to the <hi>Welfare and Best Interests of the Community</hi>.
<orgName>Department of Modern History</orgName>
<name type="city">Glasgow</name>
<name type="role">University</name>
- « 13.2.2 組織名
- Home | 目次
13.2.3 地名TEI: 地名¶
Like other proper nouns or noun phrases used as names, place namescan simply be marked up with the rs element, or with thename element. For cartographers and historical geographers,however, the component parts of a place name provide importantinformation about the relation between the name and some spot in spaceand time. They also provide important evidence in historicallinguistics.
- att.naming provides attributes common to elements which refer to named persons, places, organizations etc.
key provides an external means of locating a full definition for the entity being named, such as a database record key or other token. nymRef (reference to the canonical name) provides a means of locating the canonical form (nym) of the names associated with the object named by the element bearing it. ref (reference) provides an explicit means of locating a full definition for the entity being named by means of a URI.
spending some time in our <rs key="NY1" type="place">modern <name key="BA1" type="place">Babylon</name>
</rs>, <name key="NY1" type="place">New York</name>, I have proceeded to the
<rs key="PH1" type="place">City of Brotherly Love</rs>.
time in our <placeName key="NY1">modern <placeName key="BA1">Babylon</placeName>
</placeName>, <placeName key="NY1">New
York</placeName>, I have proceeded to the <placeName key="PH1">City of
Brotherly Love</placeName>.
- » 地理的名前
- Home | 目次 Geo-political 地名TEI: Geo-political 地名¶
- district contains the name of any kind of subdivision of asettlement, such as a parish, ward, or otheradministrative or geographic unit.
- settlement contains the name of a settlement such as a city, town, orvillage identified as a single geo-political oradministrative unit.
- region contains the name of an administrative unit such as a state,province, or county, larger than a settlement, but smaller than a country.
- country contains the name of a geo-political unit, such as a nation,country, colony, or commonwealth, larger than or administratively superiorto a region and smaller than a bloc.
- bloc contains the name of a geo-political unit consisting of two ormore nation states or countries.
<settlement type="city">Rochester</settlement>,
<region type="state">New York</region>
<country type="nation">Laos</country>,
<bloc type="sub-continent">Southeast Asia</bloc>
<district type="arondissement">6ème</district>
<settlement type="city">Paris, </settlement>
</placeName> 地理的名前TEI: 地理的名前¶
- geogFeat (geographical feature name) contains a common noun identifying some geographical feature contained within a geographic name, such as valley,mount etc.
separates two great corridors which run from <name key="GLCO1" type="place">Glencoe</name> into
<geogName key="GLET1" type="glen">
</geogName>, the
<geogName key="LAGA1" type="hill">
<geogFeat xml:lang="gd">Lairig</geogFeat>
</geogName> and the
<geogName key="LAEI1" type="hill">
<geogFeat xml:lang="gd">Lairig</geogFeat>
The Gaelic word lairig may be glossed assloping hill face. The most efficient way of includingthis information in the above encoding would be to create a separatenym element for this component of the name and then point toit using the nymRef attribute, as further discussed in 13.3.5 規範名.
- « 地理的名前
- Home | 目次 Relative 地名TEI: Relative 地名¶
All the place name specifications so far discussed are absolute, in the sense that they define only oneplace. A place may however be specified in terms of its relationshipto another place, for example ‘10 miles northeast of Paris’ or‘near the top of Mount Sinai’. These relative placenames will contain a place name which acts as a referent(e.g. ‘Paris’ and ‘Mount Sinai’). They will also contain aword or phrase indicating the position of the place being named inrelation to the referent (e.g. ‘the top of’, ‘north of’). Adistance, possibly only vaguely specified, between the referent placeand the place being indicated may also be present (e.g. ‘10miles’, ‘near’).
- offset that part of a relative temporal or spatial expressionwhich indicates the direction of the offset between the two placenames, dates, or times involved in the expression.
- measure contains a word or phrase referring to some quantity ofan object or commodity, usually comprising a number, a unit, and acommodity name.
<offset>near the top of</offset>
<measure>20 km</measure>
<offset>north of</offset>
<settlement type="city">Paris</settlement>
<measure unit="km" quantity="17.7">11 miles</measure>
<offset>Northwest of</offset>
<settlement type="city">Providence</settlement>, <region type="state">RI</region>
The internal structure of place names is like that of personalnames — complex and subject to an enormous amount of variation acrosstime and different cultures. The recommendations in this sectionshould however be adequate for a majority of users and applications;they may be extended using the mechanisms described in chapter 23.2 Personalization and Customization to add new elements to the existing classes. When thefocus of interest is on the name components themselves, as in placename studies for example, the elements discussed in 13.3.5 規範名 may also be of use. Alternatively, the meaningstructure itself may be represented using feature structures (18 素性構造).
- « 13.2 Names
- » 13.4 名前モジュール
- Home | 目次
13.3 人物に関するデータTEI: 人物に関するデータ¶
This module defines a number of special purpose elements which canbe used to markup biographical, historical, and prosopographicaldata. We envisage three basic types of users and uses for theseelements. The first is the person interested in creating orconverting an existing set of biographical records, for example of thetype found in a Dictionary of National Biography. The second is theperson hoping to create or convert a database-like collection ofinformation about a group of people, possibly but not necessarily thepeople referenced in a marked-up collection of documents or atext-corpus. The third type would be those interested in the creationor conversion of biographical or CV-like structured texts for usee.g. in Human Resource applications.
To cater for this diversity, these Guidelines propose a flexibleapproach, in which encoders may choose for themselves the degree ofprescription appropriate to their needs. If one were interested, forexample, in converting existing DNB-type records, and wanted to preserve the text as is, the person element (see 13.3.2 人物向け要素) could simplycontain the text of an article, placed within p elements,possibly using elements such as name or date to markup features of that text. For a more structured entry, however, onewould extract the data and place information contained by the text,and encode it directly using the more specific elements described inthis section.
- » 13.3.2 人物向け要素
- Home | 目次
13.3.1 基本方針TEI: 基本方針¶
- characteristics or traits which do not, byand large, change over time
- characteristics or states which hold true only at aspecific time
- events or incidents which may lead to a change of state or, lessfrequently, trait.
‘Characteristics’ or ‘traits’are typically independent of an individual's volition or action andcan be either physical, such as sex or hair and eye colour, orcultural, such as ethnicity, caste, or faith. The distinction is notentirely straightforward, however: while sex is fairly obviously aphysical trait, gender should rather be regarded as culturallydetermined, and the division of mankind into different‘races’, proposed by early (white European)anthropologists on the basis of physical characteristics such as skincolour, hair type and skull measurements, is by many modern culturalanthropologists now considered to be more a social or mental constructthan an objective biological fact. Furthermore, while somecharacteristics will obviously change over time, hair colour forexample, none, in principle — not even sex — is immutable.
‘States’ include, for example, marital status,place of residence and position or occupation. Such states have adefinite duration, i.e. have a beginning and an end, and are typicallya consequence of the individual's own action or that of others.
By ‘changes in state’ are meant the eventsin a person's life such as birth, marriage, or appointment to office;such events will normally be associated with a specific date or afairly narrow date-range. Changes in states can also cause or be causedby changes in characteristics. Any statement or assertion on any ofthese aspects of a person's life will be based on some source, possiblymultiple sources, possibly contradictory. Taking all this into accountit follows that each such statement or assertion needs to be able to bedocumented, put into a time frame and be relatable to other statementsor assertions of the same or any of the other types.
- event contains data relating to any kind of significant event associated with a person, place, or organization.
where indicates the location of an event by pointing to a place element - state contains a description of some ongoing status or qualityattributed to a person, place, or organization.
- trait contains a description of some culturally-determined characteristicattributed to a person or place.
13.3.2 人物向け要素TEI: 人物向け要素¶
Information about a person, as distinct from references to aperson, for example by name, is grouped together within aperson element. Information about a group of people regardedas a single entity (for example ‘the audience’ of aperformance) may be encoded using the personGrp element. Notehowever that information about a group of people with a distinctidentity (for example a named theatrical troupe) should be recordedusing the org element described in section 13.3.3 組織に関するデータ below.
- person provides information about an identifiable individual, forexample a participant in a language interaction, or a person referredto in a historical source.
- personGrp (personal group) describes a group of individuals treated as a single person for analytic purposes.
- listPerson (list of persons) contains a list of descriptions, each of which providesinformation about an identifiable person or a group of people, forexample the participants in a language interaction, or the people referredto in a historical source.
- relationGrp (relation group) provides information about relationships identified amongst people, places, and organizations, either informally as prose or as formally expressed relation links.
One or more listPerson elements may be supplied within theparticDesc (participant description) element in theprofileDesc element of a TEI Header (see 2.4 プロファイル解説). Like other forms of list, however, thelistPerson can also appear within the body of a text when themodule defined by this chapter is included in a schema.
<listPerson type="historical">
<person xml:id="ART1">
<person xml:id="BERT1">
<!-- ... -->
<listPerson type="mythological">
<person xml:id="ART2">
<person xml:id="BERT2">
<!-- ... -->
The person element may contain many subelements, eachspecifying a different property of the person being described. Theremainder of this section describes these more specific elements. Forconvenience, these elements are grouped into three classes, corresponding withthe tripartite division outlined above: one for traits, one for statesand one for events. Each class contains both specific elements for common types of biographicalinformation, and a generic element for other, user-defined, typesof information.
- att.datable.w3c provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain datable events using the W3C datatypes.
when supplies the value of a date or time in a standard form. notBefore specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd. notAfter specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd. from indicates the starting point of the period in standard form. to indicates the ending point of the period in standard form.
- » 社会的状態
- Home | 目次 性格・特性TEI: 性格・特性¶
- faith specifies the faith, religion, or belief set of a person.
- langKnowledge (language knowledge) summarizes the state of a person's linguistic knowledge, eitheras prose or by a list of langKnown elements.
- langKnown (language known) summarizes the state of a person's linguistic competence, i.e., knowledge of a single language.
- nationality contains an informal description of a person's presentor past nationality or citizenship.
- sex specifies the sex of a person.
- age specifies the age of a person.
- socecStatus (socio-economic status) contains an informal description of a person's perceived social oreconomic status.
The langKnowledge element contains either paragraphs or anumber of langKnown elements; it may take a tagsattribute, which provides one or more standard codes or‘tag’s for the languages. The langKnownelement must have a tag attribute, which indicates thelanguage with the same kind of ‘language tag’.These ‘language tags’ are discussed in detail invi.i Language identification.
<p>Speaks fluent Fulani, Wolof, and French. Some knowledge of English.</p>
<langKnown level="fluent" tag="ff">Fulani</langKnown>
<langKnown level="fluent" tag="wo">Wolof</langKnown>
<langKnown level="fluent" tag="fr">French</langKnown>
<langKnown level="basic" tag="en">English</langKnown>
- trait contains a description of some culturally-determined characteristicattributed to a person or place.
<desc>Ethnic Albanian.</desc>
<desc>American citizen from 15 January 2002.</desc>
<label>eye colour</label>
<trait type="physical">
<label>hair colour</label>
- « 性格・特性
- » 出来事
- Home | 目次 社会的状態TEI: 社会的状態¶
- persName (personal name) contains a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person, possibly including any or all of the person's forenames, surnames, honorifics, added names, etc.
- occupation contains an informal description of a person's trade,profession or occupation.
- residence (residence) describes a person's present or past places of residence.
- affiliation contains an informal description of a person's presentor past affiliation with someorganization, for example an employer or sponsor.
- education contains a description of theeducational experience of a person.
- floruit contains information about a person's period of activity.
<persName xml:lang="is">Árni Magnússon</persName>
<persName xml:lang="da">Arne Magnusson</persName>
<persName xml:lang="la">Arnas Magnæus</persName>
<persName>Simon, son of Richard</persName>
<floruit notBefore="1219" notAfter="1223">1219-1223</floruit>
- state contains a description of some ongoing status or qualityattributed to a person, place, or organization.
<p>Jón's first living — which he apparently accepted rather reluctantly — was at
<name type="place">Háls í Hamarsfirði</name>, <name type="place">Múlasýsla</name>, to which
he was presented on 7 April 1777. He was ordained the following
month and spent three years at Háls, but was never happy there,
due largely to the general penury in which he was forced to live
a recurrent theme throughout the early part of his life. In June
of 1780 the bishop recommended that Jón
should <q xml:lang="da">promoveres til andet bedre kald, end det
hand hidindtil har havt</q>, and on 12 July it was agreed that
he should exchange livings with
<name type="person" key="ThorJon">sr. Þórður Jónsson</name> at
<name type="place">Kálfafell á Síðu</name>,
<name type="place">Skaftafellssýsla</name>.</p>
<bibl>ÞÍ, Stms I.15, p. 733.</bibl>
<bibl>ÞÍ, Stms I.17, p. 102.</bibl>
- « 社会的状態
- » 関連
- Home | 目次 出来事TEI: 出来事¶
- birth contains information about a person's birth, such as its dateand place.
- death contains information about a person's death, such as its dateand place.
<!-- ... -->
<event type="marriage" when="1859-04-26">
<name type="person" ref="#WM">William Morris</name> and <name type="person" ref="#JBM">Jane Burden</name> were
married at <name type="place">St Michael's Church, Ship Street, Oxford</name> on
<date when="1859-04-26">26 April 1859</date>. The wedding was
conducted by Morris's friend <name type="person" ref="#RWD">R. W.
Dixon</name> with <name type="person" ref="#CBF">Charles
Faulkner</name> as
the best man. The bride was given away by her father,
<name type="person" ref="#RB">Robert Burden</name>.
According to the account that <name type="person" ref="#EBJ">Burne-Jones</name>
gave <name type="person" ref="#JWM">Mackail</name>
<quote>M. said to Dixon beforehand <said>Mind
you don't call her Mary</said> but he did</quote>. The entry in the
Register reads: <quote>William Morris, 25, Bachelor Gentleman, 13
George Street, son of William Morris decd. Gentleman. Jane Burden,
minor, spinster, 65 Holywell Street, d. of Robert Burden,
Groom.</quote> The witnesses were Jane's parents and Faulkner. None of
Morris's family attended the ceremony. Morris presented Jane with a
plain gold ring bearing the London hallmark for 1858. She gave her
husband a double-handled antique silver cup.</desc>
<bibl>J. W. Mackail, <title>The Life of William Morris</title>, 1899.</bibl>
<person xml:id="JBM">
<persName>Jane Burden</persName>
<person xml:id="RWD">
<persName>R.W. Dixon</persName>
<person xml:id="CBF">
<persName>Charles Faulkner</persName>
<person xml:id="EBJ">
<person xml:id="JWM">
<persName>J.W. Mackail</persName>
<relation name="friend" mutual="#WM #RWD"/>
<relation name="parent" active="#RB" passive="#JBM"/>
<persName notAfter="1966">David Jones</persName>
<persName notBefore="1966">David Bowie</persName>
<p>Born in <name type="place">Brixton</name> on 8 January 1947.</p>
<event type="birth" resp="#ABC" cert="low">
<p>Born in <name type="place">Berkhamsted</name> on 9 January 1947.</p>
- « 出来事
- Home | 目次 関連TEI: 関連¶
- relationGrp (relation group) provides information about relationships identified amongst people, places, and organizations, either informally as prose or as formally expressed relation links.
- relation (relationship) describes any kind of relationship or linkage amongst a specifiedgroup of participants.
name supplies a name for the kind of relationship of which this is an instance. active identifies the ‘active’ participants in a non-mutualrelationship, or all the participants in a mutual one. mutual supplies a list of participants amongst all of whom the relationship holds equally. passive identifies the ‘passive’ participants in a non-mutualrelationship.
A relationship, as defined here, may be any kind ofdescribable link between specified participants. A participant (inthis sense) might be a person, a place, or an organization. In thecase of persons, therefore, a relationship might be a socialrelationship (such as employer/employee), a personal relationship(such as sibling, spouse, etc.) or something less precise such as‘possessing shared knowledge’. A relationship may bemutual, in that all the participants engage in it on anequal footing (for example the ‘sibling’ relationship); or it maynot be if participants are not identical with respect to their role inthe relationship (for example, the ‘employer’ relationship). Fornon-mutual relationships, only two kinds of role are currentlysupported; they are named active andpassive. These names are chosen to reflect the fact thatnon-mutual relations are directed, in the sense that theyare most readily described by a transitive verb, or a verb phrase ofthe form is X of or is X to. Thesubject of the verb is classed as active; the directobject of the verb, or the object of the concluding preposition, aspassive. Thus parents are ‘active’ and children‘passive’ in the relationship ‘parent’ (interpreted asis parent of); the employer is ‘active’, theemployee ‘passive’, in the relationship employs.These relationships can be inverted: parents are ‘passive’ andchildren ‘active’ in the relationship is child of;similarly ‘works for’ inverts the active and passive roles of‘employs’.
<relation name="parent" active="#P1 #P2" passive="#P3 #P4"/>
<relation name="spouse" mutual="#P1 #P2"/>
passive="#P3 #P4"/>
- P1 and P2 are parents of P3 and P4.
- P1 and P2 are linked in a mutual relationship called ‘spouse’— i.e. P2 is the spouse of P1, and P1 is the spouse of P2.
- P1 has the social relationship ‘employer’ with respect to P3,and P4.
Relationships within places and organizations are furtherdiscussed in the relevant section below. Relationships between forexample organizations and places, or places and persons, may behandled in exactly the same way.
- « 13.3.2 人物向け要素
- » 13.3.4 Places
- Home | 目次
13.3.3 組織に関するデータTEI: 組織に関するデータ¶
- org (organization) provides information about an identifiable organization such as a business, a tribe, or any other grouping of people.
- listOrg (list of organizations) contains a list of descriptions, each of which providesinformation about an identifiable organization.
An organization is not the same thing as a list or group of people becauseit has an identity of its own. That identity may be expressed solelyin the existence of a name (for example ‘The Scythians’), but islikely to consist in the combination of that name with a number ofevents, traits, or states which are considered to apply to theorganization itself, rather than any of its members. For example, asports team might be defined in terms of its membership (alistPerson), its fixtures (a listPlace), itsgeographical affiliation (a placeName), or any combination ofthese. It will also have properties which may be used to categorize itin some way such as the kind of sport played, whether the team isamateur or professional, and so on: these are probably best dealt withby means of the type attribute. However, it is the name ofthe sports team alone which identifies it.
The content model for org permits any mixture ofgeneric state, trait, or event elements:the presence of the orgName elementdescribed in 13.2.2 組織名 is however strongly recommended.
<orgName notAfter="1960">The Silver Beetles</orgName>
<orgName from="1960-08">The Beatles</orgName>
<orgName notAfter="1960">The Silver Beetles</orgName>
<orgName notBefore="1960">The Beatles</orgName>
<state type="membership" from="1960-08" to="1962-05">
<persName>John Lennon</persName>
<persName>Paul McCartney</persName>
<persName>George Harrison</persName>
<persName>Stuart Sutcliffe</persName>
<persName>Pete Best</persName>
<state type="membership" notBefore="1963">
<persName>John Lennon</persName>
<persName>Paul McCartney</persName>
<persName>George Harrison</persName>
<persName>Ringo Starr</persName>
<orgName>Oxford University Computing Services</orgName>
<orgName>Information and Support Group</orgName>
<orgName>Infrastructure Group</orgName>
<orgName>Networking Team</orgName>
<orgName>System Development Team</orgName>
<orgName>Learning Technologies Group</orgName>
- « 13.3.3 組織に関するデータ
- » 13.3.5 規範名
- Home | 目次
13.3.4 PlacesTEI: Places¶
In 13.2.3 地名 we discuss various ways of naming placessuch as towns, countries etc. In much the same way as these Guidelinesdistinguish between the encoding of names for people and the encodingof other data about people, so they also distinguish between theencoding of names for places and the encoding of other data aboutplaces. In this section we present elements which may be used torecord in a structured way data about places of any kind which mightbe named or referenced within a text. Such data may be useful as a wayof normalising or standardizing references to particular places, asthe raw material for a gazetteer or similar reference documentassociated with a particular text or set of texts, or in conjunctionwith any form of geographical information system.
The model.placeStateLike class contains elements describing characteristics of a place which have a definite duration, such as its name. Any member of the model.placeNamePart may be used for this purpose, since a place element will usually contain at least one, and possibly several, placeName-like elements indicating the names associated with it, by different people, in different languages, or at different times.
For example, the modern city of Lyon in France was in Roman timesknown as Lugdunum. Although the modern and the Roman city are notphysically co-extensive, they have significant areas which overlap,and we may therefore wish to regard them as the same place, whilesupplying both names with an indication of the time period duringwhich each was current.
A place is defined, however, by its physical location, which doesnot typically change over time; we regard the location therefore as atrait of the place, and represent it by means of elements from themodel.placeTraitLike class. Locations maybe specified in a number of ways: as a set of coordinates defining apoint or an area on the surface of the earth, or by providing adescription of how the place may be found, usually in terms of otherplaceNames. For example, we can identify the location of the Canadiancity of London, either by specifying its latitute and longitude, or byspecifying that we mean the city called London located in the provincecalled Ontario within the country called Canada.
In addition we may wish to supply a brief characterization of theplace identified, for example to state that it is a city, anadministrative area such as a country, or a landmark of some kind suchas a monument or a battlefield. If our typology of places is simple,the open ended type attribute is the easiest way torepresent it: so we might say place type="city", placetype="battlefield" etc.
- » 複数の場所
- Home | 目次 複数の表示方法TEI: 複数の表示方法¶
- by supplying a string representing its coordinates in somestandardized way within a geo element, as shown below
- by supplying one or more place name component elements(e.g. country, settlement etc.) to place it withina geo-political context
- by supplying a postal address, e.g. using the addresselement
- by supplying a brief textual description, e.g. using thedesc element
- by using a non-TEI XML vocabulary such as the Geography Markup Language
<placeName notBefore="1400">Lyon</placeName>
<placeName notAfter="0056">Lugdunum</placeName>
<geo>41.687142 -74.870109</geo>
<placeName notBefore="1400">Lyon</placeName>
<placeName notAfter="0056">Lugdunum</placeName>
<placeName>Brasserie Georges</placeName>
<country key="FR"/>
<settlement type="city">Lyon</settlement>
<district type="arrondissement">Perrache</district>
<placeName type="street">Rue de la Charité</placeName>
<placeName>The Pillars of <persName>Hercules</persName>
<placeName notAfter="1969">Yasgur's Farm</placeName>
<placeName notBefore="1969">Woodstock Festival Site</placeName>
<measure>one mile</measure>
<offset>north west of</offset>
<region>New York</region>
<placeName>Protestant Cemetery</placeName>
<placeName type="official" xml:lang="it">Cimitero Acattolico</placeName>
<location type="geopolitical">
<location type="address">
<addrLine>Via Caio Cestio, 6</addrLine>
<addrLine>00153 Roma</addrLine>
The location element may thus identify a place to agreater or lesser degree of precision, using a variety of means: aname, a set of names, or a set of coordinates. The geoelement introduced earlier is by default understood to supply a valueexpressed in a specific (and widely used) notation; this may bemodified in two ways.
<placeName notBefore="1400">Lyon</placeName>
<placeName notAfter="0056">Lugdunum</placeName>
<gml:LinearRing> 45.256 -110.45 46.46 -109.48 43.84 -109.86 45.8 -109.2
45.256 -110.45 </gml:LinearRing>
A bibl element may be used within location to indicate the source of the location information. 複数の場所TEI: 複数の場所¶
<country xml:lang="lt">Lietuva</country>
This does not, of course, imply that Vilnius and Kaunas are theonly places constituting Lithuania; only that they are within it. Aseparate place element may indicate that it is a part ofLithuania by supplying a relation element, as discussed below( 場所間の関係).
<placeName>Mascarene Islands</placeName>
<placeName>Mascarenhas Archipelago</placeName>
<place type="island">
<listPlace type="offshoreIslands">
<placeName>La roche qui pleure</placeName>
<placeName>Ile aux cerfs</placeName>
<place type="island">
<place type="island">
<placeName xml:lang="cy">Cymru</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="en">Wales</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="la">Wallie</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="la">Wallia</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="fro">Le Waleis</placeName>
<place xml:id="carmarthenshire" type="region">
<region type="county" xml:lang="en" notBefore="1284">Carmarthenshire</region>
<place xml:id="carmarthen" type="settlement">
<placeName xml:lang="en">Carmarthen</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="la" notBefore="1090" notAfter="1300">Kaermerdin</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="cy">Caerfyrddin</placeName>
<place xml:id="carmarthen_castle" type="castle">
<settlement>castle of Carmarthen</settlement>
As noted previously, country, region,settlement are all specializations of the genericplacename element; they are not specializations of theplace element. If it is desired to distinguish amongst kindsof place this can only be done by means of thetype attribute as in the above example.
<listPlace type="villages">
<placeName>Abbey Dore</placeName>
<geo>51.969604 -2.893146</geo>
<placeName>Acton Beauchamp</placeName>
<!-- etc -->
<listPlace type="towns">
<!-- etc -->
</place> States, Traits, and EventsTEI: States, Traits, and Events¶
- population contains information about the population of a place.
- climate contains information about the physical climate of a place.
- terrain contains information about the physical terrain of a place.
These are all specializations of the genericthe generic trait element. The generic event elementmay be used for almost any kind of event in the life of a place; nospecialized version of this element is proposed, nor do we attempt toenumerate the possible values which might be appropriate for thetype attribute on any of these generic elements.
<placeName xml:lang="en">Iceland</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="is">Ísland</placeName>
<geo>65.00 -18.00</geo>
<desc>Area: 103,000 sq km</desc>
<state type="governance" notBefore="1944">
<p>Constitutional republic</p>
<state type="governance" notAfter="1944">
<p>Part of the kingdom of <placeName key="#DK">Denmark</placeName>
<event type="governance" when="1944-06-17">
<desc>Iceland became independent on 17 June 1944.</desc>
<state type="governance" from="1944-06-17">
<p>An independent republic since June 1944</p>
<population type="red" when="1901-01-10">
<population type="female">
<population type="male">
<population type="gray" when="1902-01-10" cert="high">
<population type="female">
<population type="male" cert="low" resp="#biber">
<desc>All day meeting to resolve content models</desc>
<event type="preamble" notAfter="13:00:00">
<desc>first part</desc>
<event type="conclusions" notBefore="13:00:00">
<desc>second part</desc>
</event> 場所間の関係TEI: 場所間の関係¶
<place xml:id="MASC">
<placeName>Mascarene islands</placeName>
<placeName>Mascarenhas Archipelago</placeName>
<place xml:id="MRU">
<!-- ... -->
<place xml:id="ROD">
<place xml:id="REN">
<relation name="contains" active="#MASC" passive="#ROD #MRU #REN"/>
- « 13.3.4 Places
- » 13.3.6 日付や時間
- Home | 目次
13.3.5 規範名TEI: 規範名¶
<nym xml:id="N123">
<!-- other nym definitions here -->
<person xml:id="BLT">
<persName>Tony Blair</persName>
<orth xml:lang="en-US">Ian</orth>
<orth xml:lang="en-x-Scots">Iain</orth>
<etym>Means <gloss>favoured by God</gloss> from the
<lang>Slavic</lang> elements <mentioned xml:lang="ru">bog</mentioned>
<gloss>God</gloss> and <mentioned xml:lang="ru">mil</mentioned>
<seg type="morph">
<seg type="morph">
<nym xml:id="M1" type="part">
<nym xml:id="J450">
<form xml:lang="en">John</form>
<nym xml:id="J4501">
<nym xml:id="J4502">
<nym xml:id="J455">
<form xml:lang="ru">Ivan</form>
<nym xml:id="J453">
<form xml:lang="fr">Jean</form>
<geogFeat xml:lang="gd" nymRef="#LAIRG">Lairig</geogFeat>
<nym xml:id="LAIRG">
<form xml:lang="gd">lairig</form>
<def>sloping hill face</def>
- « 13.3.5 規範名
- Home | 目次
13.3.6 日付や時間TEI: 日付や時間¶
- offset that part of a relative temporal or spatial expressionwhich indicates the direction of the offset between the two placenames, dates, or times involved in the expression.
- att.datable.w3c provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain datable events using the W3C datatypes.
when supplies the value of a date or time in a standard form. - att.duration.w3c attributes for recording normalized temporal durations.
dur (duration) indicates the length of this element in time. Relative 日付や時間 TEI: Relative 日付や時間 ¶
As noted above, relative dates and times such as ‘in the TwoHundredth and First Year of the Republic’, ‘twenty minutes beforenoon’, and, more ambiguously, ‘after the lamented death of theDoctor’ or ‘an hour after the game’ have two distinctcomponents. As well as the absolute temporal expression or event towhich reference is made (e.g. ‘noon’, ‘the game’, ‘thedeath of the Doctor’, ‘[the foundation of] the Republic’), theyalso contain a description of the ‘distance’between the time or date which is indicated and the referentexpression (e.g. ‘the Two Hundredth and First Year’, ‘twentyminutes’, ‘an hour’); and (optionally) an‘offset’ describing the direction of the distancebetween the time or date indicated and the referent expression(e.g. ‘of’ implying after, ‘before’, ‘after’).
The ‘distance’ component of a relative temporalexpression may be encoded as a temporal element in its own right usingeither date or time, or with the more genericmeasure element. A special element, offset, isprovided by this module for encoding the ‘offset’component of a relative temporal expression. The absolute temporalexpression contained within the relative expression may be encodedwith a date or time element; in turn, those elementsmay of course be relative, and thus contain date ortime elements within themselves. This allows for deeplynested structures such as ‘the third Sunday after the first Mondaybefore Lammastide in the fifth year of the King's second marriage... ’ but so does natural language.
<date dur="P14D">A fortnight</date>
<date when="1786-12-25" type="holiday">Christmas 1786</date>
<time dur="PT30M0S">precisely half an hour</time>
<time when="13:45:00" type="occasion">the departure of the afternoon train to Boston</time>
<date>A week</date>
<date when="--12-09">
<date type="occasion">my birthday</date>
on <date>9th December</date>
<date>A week</date>
<date type="occasion" when="--12-16">my birthday</date>
on <date>9th December</date>
<date ana="#gf50">during the Fair</date>, a horrible nucleus of
immorality and wickedness; it sends our multitudes to pollute and
demoralize the country.
<f name="event">
<string>the Fair</string>
<f name="place">
<f name="year">
<numeric value="1850"/>
<f name="from-value">
<f name="to-value">
</fs> Absolute 日付や時間TEI: Absolute 日付や時間¶
The following are examples of absolute temporal expressions.
of American affairs produced a stinging attack by Edmund Burke in the
Commons debate of <date when="1775-10-26">26 October 1775</date>
<date type="occasion" when="--01-01">New Years Day</date> is the
quietest of holidays, <date when="--07-04" type="occasion">Independence
Day</date> the most turbulent.
<time type="twentyfourHour" when="13:45:00">13:45</time>
<time xml:lang="en-US" type="descriptive" when="13:45:00-05:00"> a quarter of two
</time> より表現力のある正規化TEI: より表現力のある正規化¶
- att.datable.iso provides attributes for normalization of elements that contain datable events using the ISO 8601 standard.
when-iso supplies the value of a date or time in a standard form. notBefore-iso specifies the earliest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd. notAfter-iso specifies the latest possible date for the event in standard form, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd. from-iso indicates the starting point of the period in standard form. to-iso indicates the ending point of the period in standard form. - att.duration.iso attributes for recording normalized temporal durations.
dur-iso (duration) indicates the length of this element in time.
- data.temporal.iso defines the range of attribute values expressing a temporal expression such as a date, a time, or a combination of them, that conform to the international standard Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange – Representation of dates and times.
- data.duration.iso defines the range of attribute values available for representation of a duration in time using ISO 8601 standard formats
The when and durattributes are both used to provide astandardized or regularized form for the content of an element,conforming to a subset of the possible formats defined by the relevantinternational standard (ISO 8601) as profiled by XML SchemaPart 2: データ型 Second Edition.
period is approaching which will terminate my present
copartnership. On the <date when="1808-01-01">1st Jany.</date> next,
it expires by its own limitation.
- « 13.3 人物に関するデータ
- Home | 目次
13.4 名前モジュールTEI: 名前モジュール¶
- Elements defined: addName affiliation age birth bloc climate country death district education event faith floruit forename genName geo geogFeat geogName langKnowledge langKnown listNym listOrg listPerson listPlace location nameLink nationality nym occupation offset org orgName persName person personGrp place placeName population region relation relationGrp residence roleName settlement sex socecStatus state surname terrain trait
- Classes defined: att.datable.iso att.duration.iso att.personal model.persNamePart
↑ Contents « 12 校本 » 14 Tables, Formulae, and Graphics